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Bespoke Free Loft Aviary

Our customer asked us back for a third time to build another aviary for their bird of prey centre in Helston.  They wanted a large free-loft aviary for a pair of Peregrine Falcons that had a nest ledge, feeding hatches and a mesh roof.  We also lined the interior walls with white PVC to allow easier maintenance.

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Custom built double aviary mews

It took a while from originally quoting for this job to eventually erecting on site – but we got there! We travelled to a country estate in Surrey to install this two bay falconry mews with central corridor. The building had bespoke sizes as well as front bar windows with drop down shutters. Inside the aviaries, the walls were lined with insulation and white PVC sheets to allow a stable temperature and wipe clevan walls. The flights had no flooring while the central security had a wipe clean floor and a double door entry system into the aviaries.


Insulation to the aviaries allow the inside temperature to stay more constant – it stays cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The polystyrene insulation board is then lined with white PVC sheets providing an easy clean surface that can be sprayed with disinfectant and wiped over.

Our customer laid paving slabs on the footprint of the aviary building, digging out the ground in the flight area and back filling with gravel. This is a preferred choice for aviaries as any mess can be hosed down and the gravel can be replaced if needed. The central security entrance had a wipe clean floor – again allowing easy maintenance and providing a handy storage area for freezers, jesses & tethers and any other falconry essentials.

To the front of the mews, we added large bar windows. Bars can be considered safer for birds of prey, as they can sometimes try and fly through mesh and damage feathers in the process. Our bars are spaced 5cm between bars which makes them ideal for larger raptors. The windows also had a solid wooden shutter than can be closed from the outside – perfect for retaining heat at night and/or creating darkness for during moult.

The build was finished with our Onduline roofing upgrade, which is corrugated bitumen sheets. This option is ideal for larger buildings which are located in exposed areas.

Browse our standard range of bird aviaries and falconry mews here

Bird of prey aviaries to Finkley Down Farm

We were contacted by Two Bird Experiences to build some new housing for their birds of prey.  They were moving their birds to a new site and needed somewhere safe to tether the hawks and owls that they would show at Finkley Down Farm.
At first, they ordered our Double Langford Aviary and a Single Langford Aviary to provide three housing areas.  About one week before delivery (!) they asked (very politely) if we could possibly bring a second Double Langford Aviary with us.  So, a total of 5 housing areas – two doubles and one single.  Not wanting to let them down, Ross managed to get the additional build done and it was all loaded up ready for the one day installation.
We left Newcastle-under-Lyme at 5am and travelled down to Andover, arriving on site just after 9am.  We got straight to work unloading the van, luckily with a few extra pairs of hands from the Finkley team!  Once unloaded, Ross and I got started on the installation.  Four hours later, the three aviaries were up and finished.
We can’t wait to see the videos and photos of the birds in situ at Finkley Down Farm, and are keeping an eye on the socials for news!  You can too, follow Two Bird Experiences on Facebook or Instagram.
And as a personal recommendation, the farm is absolutely fantastic for a family day out so if you’re in the area I highly recommend you pay them a visit!
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Bespoke Insulated Falconry Mews

Custom Built Falconry Mews for Housing Birds of Prey

Based on our Chapman aviary, this bespoke falconry mews had a security entrance and large birdhouse.  Our customer wanted a secure mews for their bird of prey, but they didn’t want any mesh on the building.  With this in mind, we swapped the mesh front for galvanised bars which is considered by many falconers to be safer for birds of prey.

Chapman Aviary



The aviary needed to be fit for purpose – safe, easy to clean and usable.  The security entrance provided a two-door entry to prevent the bird from escaping, and we lined it with wipe-clean PVC.  The entrance also had a phenolic coated floor, which is hard-wearing and easy to clean with disinfectant.  As well as security, the entrance area also provided space to store feed, tethers and other raptor essentials. The large flight area had no flooring to allow our customer to add gravel after installation.  To keep the aviary cool in summer and warm in winter, we insulated the entire structure.  We lined the insulation with white PVC, therefore creating a space that is wipable and easy to clean.  
Falconry Housing and Bird Aviaries View our range of aviaries and raptor housing. We also off a bespoke service. Aviaries For Sale

Things You Should Consider When Building an Aviary

Unlike other types of birds that are small, easily subdued and can be housed in a regular aviary, falconry birds require an aviary that could meet their specialised needs.  

Since falconry aviaries are set up different, the following tips can help you build the most suitable for your falconry birds. 

Enclosed Area 

Instead of a full aviary, falconry birds are best when placed in an enclosed aviary that is built with non-transparent material. According to the International Association of Falconry or IAF, some very tame and calm birds can be kept in an aviary that is completely made of mesh wire. But for most raptors, the wire mesh must be shielded or covered by a shade cloth or protecting net to prevent damage to their beak and the primaries. 

The enclosed aviary should have a window where you can easily check on your birds. This window should also be covered by a mesh wire to ensure that they could not escape. 

Safety and Security 

Your falconry aviary should be built with the security and safety of your birds in mind. Even domestic cats and rats can endanger your birds so they should be kept away from them at all times. More attention should be given to small birds because they are the easiest and most vulnerable target or predators. 

When choosing a mesh material, make sure to check its quality and reliability. It should be capable of protecting birds against rodents and larger predators such as cats and foxes. 

A falconry aviary should be partially open to make way for sun and rain, but also partially closed to protect the birds from bad weather. 

Good Lighting 

The bird’s eyes are very sensitive to light and they have colour vision. Some owners have found that the use of coloured bulbs can help protect the vision of their falconry birds. 

Garden and Animal Structures 

Looking to build a bespoke aviary for your falconry birds? Get in touch with the expert team of builders at Garden and Animal Structures. We sell handmade-to-order wooden aviaries that are high-quality and meet the specific needs of clients. 

Contact us for enquiries.