Things You Should Consider When Building an Aviary
Unlike other types of birds that are small, easily subdued and can be housed in a regular aviary, falconry birds require an aviary that could meet their specialised needs.
Since falconry aviaries are set up different, the following tips can help you build the most suitable for your falconry birds.
Enclosed Area
Instead of a full aviary, falconry birds are best when placed in an enclosed aviary that is built with non-transparent material. According to the International Association of Falconry or IAF, some very tame and calm birds can be kept in an aviary that is completely made of mesh wire. But for most raptors, the wire mesh must be shielded or covered by a shade cloth or protecting net to prevent damage to their beak and the primaries.
The enclosed aviary should have a window where you can easily check on your birds. This window should also be covered by a mesh wire to ensure that they could not escape.
Safety and Security
Your falconry aviary should be built with the security and safety of your birds in mind. Even domestic cats and rats can endanger your birds so they should be kept away from them at all times. More attention should be given to small birds because they are the easiest and most vulnerable target or predators.
When choosing a mesh material, make sure to check its quality and reliability. It should be capable of protecting birds against rodents and larger predators such as cats and foxes.
A falconry aviary should be partially open to make way for sun and rain, but also partially closed to protect the birds from bad weather.
Good Lighting
The bird’s eyes are very sensitive to light and they have colour vision. Some owners have found that the use of coloured bulbs can help protect the vision of their falconry birds.
Garden and Animal Structures
Looking to build a bespoke aviary for your falconry birds? Get in touch with the expert team of builders at Garden and Animal Structures. We sell handmade-to-order wooden aviaries that are high-quality and meet the specific needs of clients.
Contact us for enquiries.